Ergodiel Ethers

Woah there! This is a REALLY outdated post. For more current and accurate articles visit my main page.

A great persona blast creates huge pressure for the opponent when they are facing an Ergodiel. Defensively, it isn’t as well polished with a mediocre ride chain.

Nudge a Persona blast, or keep them on the fence with criticals and high powered attacks.

General Advantages
Ergodiel has the ability to pressure the vanguard, and one of the only units that can heal as a skill.

General Disadvantages
Rearguards lack the same area of pressure as the vanguard.

Latest Improvement: Booster Set 11


Pseudonym: The Wave
Notable Pros: Ride chain gives Ergodiel a 11k defense
Notable Cons: It’s a horrible ride chain

Grade 3 (8)

4  Cosmo Healer, Ergodiel
4  Circular Saw, Kiriel
Grade 2 (11)
4  Fate Healer, Ergodiel
4  Core Memory, Armaros
3  Gattling Shot, Barbiel
Grade 1 (14)
4  Heavenly Injector
4  Pure Keeper, Requiel
4  Lightning Charger
2  Battle Cupid, Nociel
Grade 0 (17)
1 Miracle Feather Nurse [FV]
4  Sunny Smile Angel [HEAL]
4  Critical Hit Angel [CRIT]
4  Rocket Dash Unicorn [CRIT]
4  Bouquet Toss Messenger[DRAW]

Cosmo Healer, Ergodiel Main vanguard that keeps pressure on all day
Circular Saw, Kiriel Strange to have this as the ‘back-up’ vanguard instead of Pulse Wave, but you might be looking at an incomplete chain for more games then you think. If you have the best ride the soul can still be used for the extra power boost. Can be ridden for a push late game, but often it’ll do more harm as you loose pressure and defense.
Fate Healer, Ergodiel The grade 2. Of course, the effect is weak because it gives no extra card unlike similar ride chains.
Core Memory, Armaros Some other form of pressure is necessary. Given that there is either a Heavenly Injector or a Lightning charger is present, the 9k base is fine fighting Rearguards.
Burst Shot, Bethnael Safekeeping measures in the oddity the grade 2 was missed. Also good where Charger is before a Kiriel appears.
Heavenly Injector Grade 1 of the ride chain
Lightning Charger To use up the soul, hopefully.
Pure Keeper, Requiel Damage checked it? No need to cry with this deck.
Battle Cupid, Nociel Swapping/unflipping damage, only use to retrieve, not store. There isn’t much you have to utilize the damage zone.
Miracle Feather Nurse Cute.
Sunny Smile Angel Cute.
Critical Hit Angel Cute.
Bouquet Toss Messenger Cute.
Rocket Dash Unicorn Not so cute. But Crits’s are good.

Start with the vanguard Ergodiel and move to the other columns. Do not spam Chargers skill unnecessarily, just when needed to break a critical hit or deal the last damage. Finish the operation fast, because one damage recovered can only go for so long.


Ergodiel in vanguard, with anything boosting. Align a Kiriel-charger column. Otherwise, you are free to do what you want.


If you seem to be getting more 10k defenses in your region, then cut your ties with Kiriel and Charger and pick up some Pulse waves and Bethnael.


Pseudonym: The hope
Notable Pros: Better starter, more options.
Notable Cons:  No more ‘possible’ 11k base.

Grade 3 (8)

4  Cosmo Healer, Ergodiel
Drill Bullet, Geniel
Grade 2 (11)
Love Machine Gun, Nociel
4  Core Memory, Armaros
3  Gattling Shot, Barbiel
Grade 1 (14)
Thousand Ray Pegasus
4  Pure Keeper, Requiel
3  Lancet Shooter
3  Battle Cupid, Nociel
Grade 0 (17)
1  Hope Child, Turiel [FV]
4  Sunny Smile Angel [HEAL]
4  Critical Hit Angel [CRIT]
4  Rocket Dash Unicorn [CRIT]
4  Bouquet Toss Messenger[DRAW]

Drill Bullet, Geniel 12k attacker so you have more time before calling a booster and the booster could well be a plausible 9k booster.
Love Machine Gun, Nociel
Swapping to use Armaros/Lancet more and Thousand Ray power boost.
Thousand Ray Pegasus Some possible 9k booster. Also nice defense on first ride.
Lancet Shooter Another 7k to boost, with the ability to reach 9k to deliver pain.
Hope Child, Turiel A better starter to Miracle Feather Nurse.


Replace Banquet toss Messenger for Fever Therapy Nurse.


Pseudonym: The Prophecy
Notable Pros: Much greater flexibility, power and defense(11k base).
Notable Cons:  none

Grade 3 (8)

4  Cosmo Healer, Ergodiel
Prophecy Celestial, Remiel
Grade 2 (11)
4  Love Machine Gun, Nociel
4  Core Memory, Armaros
Crimson Drive, Aphrodite
Grade 1 (14)
4  Battle Cupid, Nociel
4  Pure Keeper, Requiel
 Crimson Mind, Baruch
2  Thousand Ray Pegasus
Grade 0 (17)
1  Hope Child, Turiel [FV]
4  Sunny Smile Angel [HEAL]
4  Critical Hit Angel [CRIT]
4  Rocket Dash Unicorn [CRIT]
4  Bouquet Toss Messenger[DRAW]

Prophecy Celestial, Remiel Increase the amount of pressure for the opponent to guard Ergodiel’s attack. Also, Remiel improves on Ergodiel’s 11k defense for up until the late game. Of course, its a break ride so it gives you a free card from the damage zone.
Crimson Drive, Aphrodite
Say you miss Remiel’s ride and was instead left with Ergodiel. With this and Baruch, you are still able to force out a 21k row an pressure the opponent into guarding.
Crimson Mind, Baruch A second dose is just to confirm the presence of pressure if your stuck with Ergodiel. A word of warning is that counterblasts are much easier to run out of then normal Angel Feathers with only 2 unflipping units. Do not use if you have Remiel out: the extra power is pitiful.

Plan A is to ride Remiel, using its better defensive capabilities. Once at 4 damage, you can reride Remiel over and over to abuse the break ride. In this situation, Armaros’ counterblast can be used as there is no other use for it.
Plan B is to start with Remiel, switch to Ergodiel at 4 and hope to force a lot of cards from the opponent or recover a damage. Do not use if the opponent still has perfect guards. As well, only use Armaros once.
Plan C turns on if you fail to get Remiel in time, instead using the Crimson troop to boost Ergodiel and possibly land a hit. The old problem with Ergodiel was its tendency to swing for less then 21k. This is fixed with the Fever Therapy, but it uses a ‘Counterblast'; use extreme caution when deciding on when to counterblast. Do not counterblast with Armaros lest you want to waive your right to healing.


Altough it is always awesome when you pull off a heal, it is only a temperary solution to the problem(winning). If the opponent deals enough damage before you get a persona, then you are in a really tight spot regardless. The defensive 11k you can get only works about 33% of the time, or 1 in 3 games with the ride chain at max. With such a low rate of success for a large waste of space, removing the chain is a lot easier to manage, which is the reason the later set does not contain any of the ride chain pieces. Set 11 remedied the defensive problem, so Ergodiel is completely playable.