Power Limit

There is a boundary. A lot of people have realize that vg attacks come down to PG or no-guard. But in some games, holding off a doomsday attack with a fist full of triggers is plausible. This very small article just discusses the minimum amount to break the ‘card barrier’. Let’s look at a general case and a special case. You should note that an opponent can fend off a 2/2/2 with 4.55 cards in hand (if that makes any sense to you). With at least one PG, they are pretty much set to ward off anything that turn. But if the opponent lacks a Perfect and is in the critical zone (the final turn area) then they may hope they can use triggers to stuff the attack. As scales are linear:

2/4/2: 5.55
2/6/2: 6.55
2/8/2: 7.55
2/10/2: 8.55
2/12/2: 10.55

This is absurd. But when a LB pumper acts as soon as possible, it is about the time in which you hold 8 cards or so. As a rough estimate on Guard Quality, 38000 POWER is the maximum average to stop the vanguard+rears.

Starry Skies Liberator, Guinevere

[AUTO]:[CB1] When placed on (G) and you have a “Liberator” vg, pay cost and get +\5000/ for every «GP» rear.

Oh hey there girl, when did you show up? (Note QW are inferior; I’ll take by chances with Vague’s Persona Nuke)

No, get back. You are going to mess up my calculations. Well Guinevere decides to stay, sporting a beautiful 6 stage guard for an efficient cost of CB1. This easily tops a previous generation unit that relied on Limits and a Persona. I think this card is extremely good, and has potential to topple the solid 4 perfect guard rule. (However, being faced with a disadvantageous meta and a lower pay-off means PG’s are going to stay at 4). Back to the problem at hand, adding a couple of these greatly increases your ability to hold a stupid nuclear arms race (Which is what Perfect guards were for). While it could shoot extravagantly high(\120,000/!!!), standard deviation mean you’ll only have 1 a game when all your PG’s are exhausted. Considering this, the new maximum is around 58000 POWER. If you past that limit then I will be 95% sure they die either from damage check or sheer dumbfoundedness.

Lastly, what can hit 60000? There are a couple. One is Dantalion + DLoA. I’m pretty sure you know how insane those columns are. Without much effort you have rows that reach about 5/6/6 forcing all those perfects out the window. The other ironically, is also reserved for Dark Irregulars. Of course, there is the ability to use Cosmolord 15 times…

Ultimate Lifeform, Cosmo Lord

When all you have is a hammer…